Most of the benefits of cork are derived from its specialized cellular structure. Cork has a honeycomb cellular structure and each cubic centimeter contains roughly 40 million hexagonal cells. The cork tissue is nearly 85% comprised of an air-like gas that makes the material very lightweight and low density. Typical cork floors are floating and constructed with an HDF core which helps create, resiliency, sound reduction, and softness. The standard cork floating floors are constructed with more fiberboard than cork so you lose some of the softness, sound reduction and green benefits of cork.
What is Cork and Why is it so Unique???
Cork is an all-natural product, harvested from the bark of the cork oak tree. Perfect for green construction, cork oak is the only tree whose bark regenerates itself after harvest, leaving the tree unharmed. The bark is harvested every 9 years as mandated by governmental agencies resulting in an all-natural, environmentally responsible product with exceptional physical properties. Aside from the rich texture, numerous patterns, and beautiful colors of cork flooring is appreciated for its soft give under foot, resistance to dents, and its thermal & acoustical insulative qualities.
Difference Between Commercial and Residential Cork Floors?
The difference between commercial grade or residential is actually in the finishes applied to the cork, not the cork itself as long as it is cork meant for flooring and not bulletin boards. The top sealer coat that is applied to our cork after it is installed is a commercial grade finish formulated expressly for cork, meaning it is strong but also has flexible strength which is needed for cork. Each manufacturer will should be able to tell you what uses are appropriate for their cork, ie residential only or commercial. There are a variety of finishes for cork ranging from a vinyl layer (which can separate) to UV-cured (which is a thin hard layer) to multiple coats of varnish/polyurethane which have different grades.
Temperature and Energy Efficiency?
Cork maintains a standard temperature to the touch in that if feels in the 60-70 degree range year round. It doesn't get very hot or cold. Additionally, cork's insulating benefits are based upon the existing temperature within a room. Cork will help maintain whatever the ambient temperature is within a room so it will help with energy efficiency. It also is not a conductive material so it does not transfer heat from the surface behind it.